Tourist Attraction Project
Project under Objective 3 of Operational Program Regional Development: Sustainable Development of Tourism, Operation 3.1: Improvement of tourist attractions and related infrastructure–grant scheme BG 161PO001/3.1-02/2009 Support for development of tourist attractions.
Name of the project: Development of cultural historical tourism product in Rakitovo municipality and its destination marketing through adaptation of Dorkovo Pleocene Park into tourist attraction and socialization of cultural monument Tsepina Fortress
Total Budget of the Project: 2 191 232 BGN
Beneficiary – Rakitovo Municipality
Regional History Museum-town of Pazardzhik is a partner under the project and will provide methodological guidelines to the municipality team that prepares the proposition and project implementation plans. The museum will also assist in the process of marketing of the new tourist product, distribution of advertising materials for Dorkovo Pleocene Park and Tsepina Fortress, provide links between the webpages of Rakitovo municipality related with the tourist attractions and its own website.
The project is won and its implementation is planned.
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