Agency for People with Disabilities 2015
In 2015 Regional History Museum-town of Pazardzhik won a fourth project from the Agency for People with Disabilities. The total budget of the project named Optimization of the Work Environment for Person with Disability at Pazardzhik History Museum According to Personal Needs amounts to 10 000 BGN (the Agency for People with Disabilities provides 8 200 BGN and Pazardzhik History Museum 1800 BGN).
The activities included repair of study in Archeology Department and its furnishing with three desks, wardrobe, filing cabinet, metal safe and doors as well as purchase of two laptops and multifunction device.
The project implementation allowed Pazardzhik History Museum to provide for its employee with disabilities healthy and safe work environment. The combined budget of all four projects financed by the Agency for People with Disabilities amounts to 80 081 BGN. Their realization helped for the provision of accessible environment to people with disabilities, mothers with children, unhealthy and elderly visitors. Also proper working conditions have been provided to museum employees with disabilities.
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