The Project for Renovation of Two Studies Financed by Agency for People with Disabilities is Completed
The expert commission appointed by Agency for People with Disabilities approved the implementation of the project Optimization of Work Environment for People with Disabilities in Regional History Museum-town of Pazardzhik carried out by Pazardzhik History Museum.
The allocated subsidy amounting to 13 570 BGN has been used for repair works, re-furnishing and purchasing of equipment needed for two of the studies in the museum building.
The completion of this project allows museum employees with disabilities to fulfil their duties in healthy and safe conditions thus contributing to the establishment of integrated work environment.
This is the third project financed by the Agency for People with Disabilities – the first one is Provision of Accessible Environment for People with Disabilities in the Building of Pazardzhik History Museum and Stanislav Dospevski Art Gallery through building of entrance gate and lift (2010) and the second is Finalization of Activites for Provision of Accessible Environment to People with Disabilities in the Building of Pazardzhik History Museum and Stanislav Dospevski Art Gallery (2011). The combined budget of all three projects amounts to 71 881 BGN.
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