Prestigious award for the Regional History Museum – Pazardzhik

On 11 December 2023, the Employment Agency held its annual Employer of the Year awards ceremony at the Vitosha Hall of Inter Expo Center in Sofia. The ceremony was attended by MPs, ministers, trade union leaders, and employers.

The Regional History Museum – Pazardzhik won the prestigious prize of Employer of the Year 2023, in the category “Active – successful together,” at the 20th-anniversary edition of the awards. The Minister of Labour and Social Policy, Mrs. Ivanka Shalapatova, presented the award to the museum’s director, Boris Hadjiyski.

During the ceremony, Boris Hadzhiyski expressed his gratitude for the recognition and used the opportunity to appeal to the MPs present. He urged them to allocate more funds for culture in the state budget for 2024. This would enable museums to attract and retain their employees with adequate salaries.


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